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July 2014
CSS Triggers
TodoReview ST3 Plugin
How to improve the appeal of your sign up button
The Most Dangerous Word In Software Development
Metadaten: Wie dein unschuldiges Smartphone fast dein ganzes Leben an den Geheimdienst übermittelt
A Candid Look at the Financial Side of Building Mac Apps on Your Own
The Principles of Adaptive Design
Guide to Responsive-Friendly CSS Columns
The Fermi Paradox
Scaling Down The BEM Methodology For Small Projects
dialog element demo
Mapping AngularJS Routes Onto URL Parameters And Client-Side Events
A Glimpse of Angular.js $scope via Example
Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps
Introduction – Material Design – Google design guidelines
Create a Plane Fighting Game in Corona: More Gameplay
Patrick Rylands: a hero of toy design
Apollo 11-inspired sneakers from GE
The $15 WordPress gig
Promoting modern websites for modern devices in Google search results
Chord Intelligence
Edward Snowden: ‘If I end up in chains in Guantánamo I can live with that’ – video interview
Tappy: A custom tap event handler
How much should a custom WordPress website cost?
Overcast Podcast App
Kids 4–6: “The Muddy Middle”
Play and Pause Buttons for YouTube and Vimeo Videos (via Their APIs)
Authoring Critical Above-the-Fold CSS
Inheriting box-sizing Probably Slightly Better Best-Practice
Best Practices for Building Angular.js Apps
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