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March 2015
Let Links Be Links
Responsive Images 101, Part 6: Picture Element
Introducing Leveller: Please Avoid Using It
JavaScript World Domination
Server Side Mustard Cut
Where’s the !@££@$£ content? The scourge of the spandex web
Passphrases That You Can Memorize — But That Even the NSA Can’t Guess
Introducing Cache Buddy: a companion for your WordPress page caching solution
Browser Input Events: Can We Do Better Than The Click?
Numeric Inputs – A Comparison of Browser Defaults
Responsive Images 101, Part 5: Sizes
Responsive Images 101, Part 4: Srcset Width Descriptors
Responsive Images 101, Part 3: Srcset Display Density
Travel booking sites must pay Hawaii millions in back taxes
Experiment: Using Flexbox Today
Responsive Images 101, Part 2: Img Required
Responsive Images 101, Part 1: Definitions
A WordPress Formatting Manifesto
SassDoc: Release the docs!
Understanding WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities
History’s Most Iconic Photos, Recreated in Miniature
80/20 Practitioners Make Better Communicators
Inlining critical CSS for first-time visits
Secret Apple TV controls: Fifteen button combos to power up your viewing!
The State of Web Type
Quantity Queries for CSS
The Web’s Grain by Frank Chimero
Shitphone: A Love Story
Em-based media queries are based on…
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