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October 2013
Support is Sexy
Return of Zita the Space Girl: Exclusive preview!
Fiber Fix
Conditional Media Query Mixins
The Official Motorola Blog: Goodbye Sticky. Hello Ara.
Charlie Stross on Spooks: Paranoid, Fumbling, all-powerful
Cheapass Games’s Kickstarter for a New “Dr Lucky” game
Doing the Impossible on iOS
Brad Williams Blog: Writing Secure WordPress Code
Language Packs 101 – Prepwork
Glow-in-the-dark Spray Could Make Night Driving Safer
Howto Make a $10 Digital Microscope Kit for Your phone
The Ghetto Brothers: Lost Legends of Rock’n’roll
Sorting Networks Using Higher-order Functions of JavaScript Array
Lightening Your Rwd Website with Ress
Odometer — Transition Numbers with Ease
Essence: Icons & Coffee
Glyphs & Co. by Alphonso D. Jordan
Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
Symbolic App for Traveling
I’d Rather Have Hot Pokers Thrust into My Eyeballs Than Try to Explain the WordPress Rewrite Api
Bring Back the Baseline
Designing for Touch: Thumb and Finger Sized Design
Designing for Thumb Flow
Tikker is a Watch That Counts Down Your Life
Gatorgraph Drawing Machine by Joe Freedman
Macaw: the Code-savvy Web Design Tool by Macaw
The HTML5 Scorecard: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in iOS 7
Appseed Transforms Your Sketches into App Prototypes
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