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May 2014
Reeder for Mac
The Challenges I Faced in Monetizing Easy Digital Downloads
Making of Findings – OS X Lab Notebook App
The art of designing Office for iPad
Lyza Gardner: Beyond “Hello, World” with Gulp
Script-injected “async scripts” considered harmful
The Dangers of Stopping Event Propagation
The Illusion of Motion
Kill The Hamburger Button
Real-time messaging, archiving and search with Slack
Secrets, lies and Snowden’s email: why I was forced to shut down Lavabit
Nile Rodgers on His Iconic Hitmaker
Font Size Idea: px at the Root, rem for Components, em for Text Elements
Responsive Images Done Right: A Guide To <picture> And <srcset>
Creative Cloud outage leaves Adobe users unable to work
jQuery UI Datepicker Skins for WordPress
Sick of freemium? Here are 20 paid iOS and Android games worth supporting
Rethinking the CMS in the Mobile Era
Accessibility: The Missing Ingredient
Mozilla breaks our hearts, adds DRM to Firefox
Placeholders in Form Fields Are Harmful
Sea levels are rising
Backbone.js Wine Cellar Tutorial
What’s the Difference Between a Font and a Typeface?
NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Deutschland müsste Snowden nicht an die USA ausliefern
WordPress Theme Customizer Custom Controls
Scenarios and Journey Maps Help Designers Become Storytellers
RSS: What Not Dying Looks Like
Six Common Problems With The UX Process, And Six Solutions!
You don’t own your Kindle books, Amazon reminds customer
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